

Subscription Services

Monthly guardianship software subscriptions are available with flexible options to fit organizations of all sizes and scope of services. For all software subscriptions, monthly fees are calculated based on the number of active cases. The monthly service rate includes:

Unlimited Technical Support and Online Training as defined within our Service Level Agreement.

Unlimited Closed Case Storage

Limited Hold/Prospect Case Storage

Program Enhancements and Updates

As a vendor-hosted solution (SaaS), server maintenance and nightly data backups are also included in the per-client subscription rate. Customers are billed monthly for actual usage. Automated billing and/or volume discounts available. Call for a personalized quote.

Implementation and Training

SEM Applications Inc.’s implementation and training philosophy is derived from 25 years of practical experience and with valuable input from the guardians, conservators and fiduciaries among our customers. We have learned that:

    • All guardian reporting software training must be practical, relevant and up-to-date, using high caliber instructors who present interesting, stimulating and thought-provoking discussion in innovative ways.
    • Training is not one-size-fits-all. The more personal the training, the more effective the message.
  • Hands-on learning and practical application yield the best results.

Our implementation and training packages are built on these fundamental principles. The delivery is deliberately hands-on and practical in nature. Individualized, online training followed by ongoing continuing education opportunities is recommended as the best approach for building user confidence and retained knowledge when transitioning to EMS. 

Implementation and training are central to an effective transition to a new system. Guardian reporting software training provides knowledge, promotes confidence and reduces frustration. However, not everyone learns at the same rate, which is why SEM Applications, Inc. provides flexible and customized implementation packages for all types of offices and personalities.

Implementation Packages

While training videos, an online manual and a monthly calendar of online training opportunities are included in the Monthly Subscription Rate as a part of an “Out of the Box” Implementation, most guardians and conservators will find it important to purchase an Implementation package to provide individualized guidance for set-up, system configuration and staff training for a more efficient transition. From individual online training to Super User (Train the Trainer) programs, we offer a variety of implementation and training packages to best fit our customers’ needs and budgets.

“Out of the Box” Implementation

Single users with fewer than six active cases have an option to get started with EMS with no up-front costs, setup charges or training/project management fees using the online training videos, online manual and monthly scheduled training sessions provided under the Help Menu. Personalized training is available a la cart for additional assistance with system configuration and customization.

Project Management

Project Management provides highly-specialized procedural structures, timelines and training that take into account the customer’s daily operations. Our approach is to evaluate the scope of services and project goals. Then we identify which tasks are necessary to reach those goals (such as customization, conversion, etc.) and to build an implementation plan that incorporates the necessary elements, milestones and deliverables. A final plan and timeline are developed to drive the process through Go Live. Project Management and other services, including data conversion, on-site training, data storage, report development and system customization are available outside of an implementation package by request. Contact (816)-399-5004 for details and a quote.

Data Migration

Optional data migration services can help ensure a seamless transition. From basic spreadsheet import to full-service data extraction, conversion and migration, our development team can help you determine the best way to move data from your legacy system(s) into EMS. Contact SEM Applications, Inc. at (816)-399-5004 for a price quote.

Report Development/System Customization

Services available by request. Contact SEM Applications, Inc. at (816)-399-5004 for a price quote.